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Production of Custom Ceramic Bathtubs for Hot Spring Facilities

信楽焼の陶浴槽は、日本の自然と伝統工芸が生み出した極上のリラクゼーション空間を提供します。 千年以上の歴史を持つ信楽焼の技術を活かし、一つひとつ職人の手によって丁寧に作られる浴槽は、ただの浴槽ではありません。それは、心と体を癒す特別な時間を演出するアート作品です

Shigaraki ware ceramic bathtubs offer a luxurious relaxation experience, born from the harmony of Japan’s natural beauty and traditional craftsmanship.
With over a thousand years of history, the art of Shigaraki ware is embodied in each bathtub, meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans. These bathtubs are more than just functional pieces—they are works of art designed to provide a special moment of healing for both the mind and body.

Production with Color Customization for Existing Products

お気に入りの信楽焼置物や既存製品を、お客様のご希望に合わせて色を変えて制作いたします。 伝統的な信楽焼の技法を活かしながら、特別なカラーリングでお部屋や空間の雰囲気に合わせた一品をご提供いたします。

We offer color customization for your favorite Shigaraki ware ornaments and existing products to match your preferences.
While preserving the traditional techniques of Shigaraki ware, we create unique pieces with special color variations tailored to complement the atmosphere of your room or space.


Production of Custom Gift Products with Personalized Inscription

オリジナル名入れ商品 お名前や日付、メッセージを刻印して、世界に一つだけの特別な記念品をお作りします

Custom Personalized Products

We create one-of-a-kind keepsakes by engraving names, dates, or messages, making each piece a truly special and unique gift.


Production of Custom Plant Pots for Garden Stores

植物をより美しく引き立てる、信楽焼のオリジナル植物ポットを制作いたします。 自然素材が生み出す独特の風合いと温もりあるデザインが、インテリアやガーデニングをより魅力的に演出します。

We create custom Shigaraki ware plant pots to beautifully enhance your plants.

The unique texture and warmth of natural materials bring charm to both interior spaces and gardening, making them even more captivating and inviting.


We Offer a Variety of Custom Gift and Commemorative Items

大切な瞬間を彩る贈り物として、信楽焼の各種贈答品・記念品をご提案いたします。 千年の歴史を誇る信楽焼の優美な風合いと、職人の技が生み出す温もりある品々は、心に残る特別なギフトとして多くの方に喜ばれています。

We offer a selection of Shigaraki ware gifts and commemorative items to celebrate your special moments.
With over a thousand years of tradition, Shigaraki ware embodies elegance and warmth through its unique texture and the craftsmanship of skilled artisans. These carefully crafted items, including ornaments, flower vases, and tableware, make memorable and heartfelt gifts that are cherished by many.


Custom-Made Options Available

オーダーメイドにも対応 お客様のご要望に合わせて、特別なデザインや仕様でお作りいたします。

We create special designs and specifications tailored to meet your specific requests.


Custom Product Production with Our In-House Kiln

コタニ陶器では、自社製陶所を活かし、お客様のご要望に応じた特注品を丁寧に制作いたします。 伝統的な信楽焼の技法と職人の技術を駆使し、オンリーワンの作品をお届けします

At Kotani Pottery, we utilize our in-house kiln to carefully craft custom-made products that meet our customers’ specific needs.
By combining the traditional techniques of Shigaraki ware with the expertise of skilled artisans, we deliver one-of-a-kind creations that are truly unique.


Please feel free to contact us anytime.

At Kotani Pottery, we offer a wide range of services, including production, sales, wholesale, retail, giftware, and professional tableware. For any questions or inquiries regarding our services, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.